
LG Monitor 27" Drivers

cn flag

I recently switched to 2 LG monitors (27MN60T -

I couldn't find drivers to the screens. The screens work, but I can't hear the sound out of them (they have a small speaker). My OS recognizes it (I'm using HDMI to connect them), but I couldn't hear anything. Also, even though the settings between the two screens are similar, one appears to be a bit brighter.

Thus, I assume that installing drivers will help, but I can't find any (there's for Windows or Mac, I have Ubuntu 18.04) *I have an NVIDIA 2080 GPU, and all of the NVIDIA parts were installed (way before these screens)

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
There are no drivers for monitors. And according to LG no speaker either:
Leeor avatar
cn flag
Thank you @ChanganAuto! On the settings sound setting it shows me the two screens (HDMI connection) as an output, so I understood it's a speaker. Also, the fact that one screen is slightly brighter annoyed me (the settings are similar).

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