
Add files to lhz archive with file attributes

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for a legacy application, I need to create an ancient lzh archive, which needs to retain the file permissions set with chmod. Under Ubuntu, I found that there is the jlha package is available for creating lzh files.

However, I found out that when I have files that have rwx attributes (i.e. I change the file permissions in a directory for all files using chmod -R 777 *), and add add the files to an lzh archive like this:

jlha -a test.lzh *

the files are properly added to the archive, but after extracting them with

jlha -x test.lzh

the file permissons are changed from -rwxrwxrwx to -rw-rw-r--

The question is simple: how can I create lhz-files an retain the file mode? This was possible in the past with a proprietary Unix variant we used, and I search for a lzh solution that can do that using a modern linux system like Ubuntu.


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