
Bluetooth mute unmute button for Zoom

sa flag

I’m trying to map the Alt+A keyboard shortcut through the Bluetooth button on my selfie stick remote to mute/unmute Zoom meetings.

Anyone got any ideas on how can I accomplish this?

David avatar
cn flag
Does this device come with a Ubuntu driver?
Mafioso avatar
sa flag
Its bluetooth device, and is able to pair
David avatar
cn flag
My question still stands you expect to use its features does it have a driver?
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
It isn't designed for desktop computers. It is designed for iOS and Android. I wouldn't expect it to work.
sa flag

Got it working through a software called AutoKey.

Basically the bluetooth remote sends volume up key when pressed after being paired. Through Autokey, I was able to capture it and map it to alt+a keyboard shortcut.


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