
Desktop volume control has no effect on actual volume

mx flag

When I try to lower the volume from the "volume" control on the desktop, like this:

enter image description here

it has no effect on the actual headphones volume. The headphones remain very loud even when I lower the control to 0.

I can change the headphones volume from alsamixer, but it is uncomfortable to open alsamixer just to change volume.

Is there a way to fix the desktop volume control?

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
This happens when for some reason the graphical element is assigned to other than the selected audio output. One scenario where this happens is when you have a default HDMI audio output that is then changed to something else (e.g. headphones) and the graphical control remains tied to the HDMI audio. Toggling audio outputs usually fixes it but AFAIK there's no permanent "fix".

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