
Enabling/disabling Intel Turbo Boost per core

us flag

I have a laptop running Kubuntu 20.04 LTS, with a Core i7 cpu (8 physical HT cores, that is 16 logical cores). It gets very hot and/or noisy because of Intel Turbo Boost, that I don't really need most of the time.

I discovered here Turbo Boost from command line

that I can enable/disable Turbo Boost from the command line, which is great. However in contrast to the link above, I can only enable/disable it for all cores. It would be nice to have the possibility to have Turbo Boost on only 2-4 cores.

Let me show you:

enable Turbo Boost

sudo wrmsr -p0 0x1a0 0x85008

The '-p0' should apply only to the core #0, but it actually switches all cores, as can be seen from the output of i7z:

TURBO ENABLED on 8 Cores, Hyper Threading ON

disable Turbo Boost

sudo wrmsr -p0 0x1a0 0x4000850089

same thing

TURBO DISABLED on 8 Cores, Hyper Threading ON

I checked with a small benchmark parallel code that indeed the boost is the same for all cores.

Is there a way to use Turbo Boost independently for each core ? or maybe it's system-dependent ?

Thanks !

Doug Smythies avatar
gn flag
No. Turbo is either enabled or not for all cores.

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