
Howto deploy latest netplan main on 20.04 LTS?

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Well, title says mostly all. I have a problem with netplan as it is distributed with current 20.04.3 (#102) and even #103 which is in proposed is not good enough. New "ignore-carrier" option which is kind of new seems to fit the bill, but it is not obvious to me how to deploy current "main".

Help ?

user535733 avatar
cn flag
You will get better help if you ask about the actual problem you are encountering that leads you to believe that "ignore-carrier" is the best solution. There might be other solutions.
user535733 avatar
cn flag
For your specific question "*How to get Netplan 103 on 20.04*," LTS releases like 20.04 are generally frozen and get only security patches after release. Bolting a newer version is rarely a good idea. HOWEVER, you're in luck: Netplan 103 has been backported to 20.04; it's currently in testing (focal-proposed). If testing goes well, your system should see the upgrade in perhaps a week or two. There's no magic: An ordinary `sudo apt update`/`sudo apt upgrade` will pick it up when it emerges from testing.
np flag
Thanks, I've already updated to #103 using the proposed distro. The bit I'm looking for did not cut for that distro. I'm trying to fit several network configs into netplan + networkd, but it seems networkd-dispatcher is dying on startup because of a timeout, apparently because some of my interfaces do not have carrier.
np flag

As hinted here ( all you need is some dependencies. Then make, make install.

The dependencies (for me) where glib-2.0 gio-2.0 libyaml-dev libglib2.0-dev libsystemd-dev pandoc. Install installed the .so in /lib which was not picked by ldd (preferred /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ from the standard package). After fixing that, it worked.

On the other hand, networkd-dispatcher still dies with timeout. All interaces now are configured or unmanaged (no more "configuring")

np flag
Just FYI if you happen to land here looking for my original problem, in my setup the standard 90 seconds start up time was not enough for networkd-dispatcher, because I was bringing up pppoe with a carrier-up script and systemd was waiting for the whole thing to finish first run. Bumped TimeoutStartSec to 180 and all is good now.

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