Score:0 file has disappeared causing the timezone to default to UTC

ca flag

For whatever reason, the time on my Xubuntu 21.04 system has gone all awry and has defaulted to UTC. I cannot change the time as the time-admin program refuses to load with this error:

** (time-admin:26695): WARNING **: 15:03:13.124: Could not open */usr/share/zoneinfo/*

** (time-admin:26695): ERROR **: 15:03:13.124: Unable to load system timezone database.
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

I haven't messed with any of these files manually (promise!). Maybe a faulty update or autoremove caused this?

In any case, how can I get timezones working again?

in flag
You may need to reconfigure the time zone data. If you run `sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata`, are you able to set your correct time zone?
ca flag
Nope! I reconfigured my timezone, and it just sticks to UTC. I even changed it to Australia as a test and it stays the same.
ca flag

Problem solved by simply doing apt install --reinstall tzdata.


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