
Getting to wi-fi login page when DNS resolution is borked

ru flag

A while back I started having trouble with DNS resolution (Ubuntu 20.04). It may have coincided with uninstalling or updating protonvpn or that may have been a coincidence. In any case, I found I could fix it by opening up /etc/resolv.conf and changing the DNS server to . I wrote a script to do that and now I run it every time I start up or un-suspend my computer. I've been doing it for a couple months.

Now I'm in a hotel trying to log into the wifi. But they have a login page I don't know how to find. What can I do?

waltinator avatar
it flag
Temporarily disable your hack. Temporarily disable protonvpn. Let the Hotel's DHCP server set up everything. Then re-enable
ru flag
That's not working. It's running into the same original problem of not getting the right DNS server
David avatar
cn flag
Many VPN providers use their own DNS servers as part of their protection. You may need to remove this VPN altogether and reboot. You can always reinstall it later.

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