
Some applications are broken after installing gnome-shell-extensions

th flag

Some of my apps have lost their icons, and they won't start when I left-click them. That is, nothing happened, or, nothing appeared in the top left corner screen, besides the "Activities" button. Interface of the "Show Applications" button

Those apps have also disappeared in /usr/share/applications, ~/.local/share/applications, as well as in /usr/bin. That is, I can't find "Visual Studio Code" when I run ls /usr/bin | grep code, as opposed to when I find Google Chrome with ls /usr/bin | grep chrome and that would give me google-chrome,...

Furthermore, when I search for those apps in the software center it says they are installed yet nothing happens when I press "Launch", besides their icons in the software center are also lost. Interface of "Visual Studio Code" in Software Center

I think the problem was when I tried to install gnome-shell-extensions with sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions to use some of my favorite gnome shell extensions. Though afterward, my favorite extensions work, this issue comes.

vanadium avatar
cn flag
Are all of these snap applications? You can see installed snap applications with the command `snap list`. For sure, the cause is not the installation of the gnome-shell-extensions package.
xceeded avatar
th flag
wow, they are! `snap list` shows that except for the `core` snap package, all the others have `broken` in *Notes*. How do I fix it?
th flag

I had to enable apparmor at boot before-hand by:

  1. Append apparmor=1 and security=apparmor to the file /etc/default/grub.
  2. sudo update-grub
  3. sudo reboot

Then remove and install those broken packages again with this script:


tofix="`snap list | awk '/broken/{print $1}'`"

for s in $tofix; do
        sudo snap remove "$s"
        sudo snap install "$s"

p/s thanks to vanadium that I know where I should start fixing my problem.


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