
Need to disable and enable few things at kernel level in 18.04

in flag

I need help enabling and disabling these following respectively on Kernel level on Ubuntu 18.04, which gives us a base image of Ubuntu


  • Disable Dhcp as bootable source
  • Disable Nvme0 as bootable source
  • Disable Pxe as bootable source
  • Disable Usb0 as bootable source
  • Enable Mmc0 as bootable source
  • Enable Mmc1 as bootable source
Terrance avatar
id flag
All of these seem like BIOS settings and not kernel settings. What would be your reasoning in preventing these in the kernel?
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Edit your question and include more context and details. You should always provide context that explains the goal you are trying to achieve. This seems like means to an end. What is the end result you hope to accomplish?

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