
solved Thunderbird wont print, network printer RaspberryPi

gr flag

The solution was to go to settings, general, scroll all the way down and click config editor. Change print.always_print_silent to false

I have a Brother printer connected with usb cable to aRaspberry Pi running standard Rasbian and shared to my local home network.

From my Ubuntu computer I can print from writer, I can print a test page, it seems to work just fine.

But I opened up an email in Thunderbird and clicked print. A dialog with a progress bar appeared, quickly going to 100% and vanishing. But nothing is printed. And the printer que is empty.

Ubuntu 20.04 up to date

In Thunderbird print format my printer is listed twice, for some reason.

I deleted the printer in ubuntu and readded it.
The printer is set as standard
In Thunderbird config editor I reset print_printer
I renamed addons.json in my profile folder

Suggestions please


The printer is visible in Ubuntus system settings and Libreoffice, but not in Thunderbird.

I have just followed these troubleshooting steps

I get no output from $ /usr/lib/cups/backend/snmp, not even if I add the IP to the raspberry pi.

This is my output from **sudo /usr/lib/cups/backend/dnssd **

DEBUG: Querying "Brother\032DCP-7055\032\064\032hallonpaj._ipp._tcp.local"...
DEBUG: Querying "Brother\032DCP-7055\032\064\032hallonpaj._ipps._tcp.local"...
DEBUG: Querying "Brother\032DCP-7055\032\064\032hallonpaj._printer._tcp.local"...
DEBUG: sent=0, count=3
DEBUG2: query_callback(browser=0x564634539ec0, interfaceIndex=2, protocol=1, event=0, fullName="Brother\032DCP-7055\032\064\032hallonpaj._ipp._tcp.local", rrclass=1, rrtype=16, rdata=0x56463453b9d0, rdlen=414, flags=5, context=0x564634539180)
DEBUG2: query_callback: "txtvers=1".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "qtotal=1".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "rp=printers/Brother-DCP-7055".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "ty=Brother DCP-7055, using brlaser v4".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "adminurl=https://hallonpaj.local.:631/printers/Brother-DCP-7055".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "note=hallonpaj".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "priority=0".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "product=(DCP-7055)".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "pdl=application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "URF=DM3".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "UUID=5b5ec5ce-346e-3d33-5833-b9b77a10683d".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "TLS=1.2".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "Copies=T".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "printer-state=3".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "printer-type=0x1046".
DEBUG2: query_callback(browser=0x564634539ec0, interfaceIndex=2, protocol=0, event=0, fullName="Brother\032DCP-7055\032\064\032hallonpaj._ipp._tcp.local", rrclass=1, rrtype=16, rdata=0x56463453bd40, rdlen=414, flags=5, context=0x564634539180)
DEBUG2: query_callback: "txtvers=1".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "qtotal=1".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "rp=printers/Brother-DCP-7055".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "ty=Brother DCP-7055, using brlaser v4".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "adminurl=https://hallonpaj.local.:631/printers/Brother-DCP-7055".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "note=hallonpaj".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "priority=0".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "product=(DCP-7055)".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "pdl=application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "URF=DM3".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "UUID=5b5ec5ce-346e-3d33-5833-b9b77a10683d".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "TLS=1.2".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "Copies=T".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "printer-state=3".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "printer-type=0x1046".
DEBUG2: query_callback(browser=0x564634539ec0, interfaceIndex=-1, protocol=-1, event=2, fullName="Brother\032DCP-7055\032\064\032hallonpaj._ipp._tcp.local", rrclass=1, rrtype=16, rdata=(nil), rdlen=0, flags=0, context=0x564634539180)
DEBUG2: query_callback(browser=0x564634539680, interfaceIndex=2, protocol=1, event=0, fullName="Brother\032DCP-7055\032\064\032hallonpaj._ipps._tcp.local", rrclass=1, rrtype=16, rdata=0x56463453bf50, rdlen=414, flags=5, context=0x564634539000)
DEBUG2: query_callback: "txtvers=1".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "qtotal=1".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "rp=printers/Brother-DCP-7055".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "ty=Brother DCP-7055, using brlaser v4".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "adminurl=https://hallonpaj.local.:631/printers/Brother-DCP-7055".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "note=hallonpaj".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "priority=0".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "product=(DCP-7055)".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "pdl=application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "URF=DM3".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "UUID=5b5ec5ce-346e-3d33-5833-b9b77a10683d".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "TLS=1.2".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "Copies=T".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "printer-state=3".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "printer-type=0x1046".
DEBUG2: query_callback(browser=0x564634539680, interfaceIndex=2, protocol=0, event=0, fullName="Brother\032DCP-7055\032\064\032hallonpaj._ipps._tcp.local", rrclass=1, rrtype=16, rdata=0x56463453c2e0, rdlen=414, flags=5, context=0x564634539000)
DEBUG2: query_callback: "txtvers=1".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "qtotal=1".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "rp=printers/Brother-DCP-7055".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "ty=Brother DCP-7055, using brlaser v4".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "adminurl=https://hallonpaj.local.:631/printers/Brother-DCP-7055".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "note=hallonpaj".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "priority=0".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "product=(DCP-7055)".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "pdl=application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "URF=DM3".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "UUID=5b5ec5ce-346e-3d33-5833-b9b77a10683d".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "TLS=1.2".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "Copies=T".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "printer-state=3".
DEBUG2: query_callback: "printer-type=0x1046".
DEBUG2: query_callback(browser=0x564634539680, interfaceIndex=-1, protocol=-1, event=2, fullName="Brother\032DCP-7055\032\064\032hallonpaj._ipps._tcp.local", rrclass=1, rrtype=16, rdata=(nil), rdlen=0, flags=0, context=0x564634539000)
DEBUG2: query_callback(browser=0x56463453adc0, interfaceIndex=2, protocol=1, event=0, fullName="Brother\032DCP-7055\032\064\032hallonpaj._printer._tcp.local", rrclass=1, rrtype=16, rdata=0x56463453ad24, rdlen=1, flags=5, context=0x564634539560)
DEBUG2: query_callback(browser=0x56463453adc0, interfaceIndex=2, protocol=0, event=0, fullName="Brother\032DCP-7055\032\064\032hallonpaj._printer._tcp.local", rrclass=1, rrtype=16, rdata=0x5646345390e4, rdlen=1, flags=5, context=0x564634539560)
DEBUG2: query_callback(browser=0x56463453adc0, interfaceIndex=-1, protocol=-1, event=2, fullName="Brother\032DCP-7055\032\064\032hallonpaj._printer._tcp.local", rrclass=1, rrtype=16, rdata=(nil), rdlen=0, flags=0, context=0x564634539560)
network dnssd://Brother%20DCP-7055%20%40%20hallonpaj._ipp._tcp.local/cups?uuid=5b5ec5ce-346e-3d33-5833-b9b77a10683d "DCP-7055" "Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj" "" ""
DEBUG: sent=3, count=3
DEBUG: sent=3, count=0
DEBUG: sent=3, count=0
DEBUG: sent=3, count=0

** $ lpinfo -v ** gives

network beh
network socket
file cups-brf:/
serial serial:/dev/ttyS0?baud=115200
network ipp
network ipps
network http
direct hp
network lpd
network https
direct hpfax
network dnssd://Brother%20DCP-7055%20%40%20hallonpaj._ipp._tcp.local/cups?uuid=5b5ec5ce-346e-3d33-5833-b9b77a10683d

** $ avahi-browse -a -v -t -r**   gives (sanitized)
[CODE]Serverversion: avahi 0.7; Värdnamn: ubuntucomputer.local
H Grän Prot Namn                                          Typ                  Domän
+ enp3s0 IPv6 HALLONPAJ                                     _device-info._tcp    local
+ enp3s0 IPv4 HALLONPAJ                                     _device-info._tcp    local
+ enp3s0 IPv6 HALLONPAJ                                     Microsoft Windows Network local
+ enp3s0 IPv4 HALLONPAJ                                     Microsoft Windows Network local
= enp3s0 IPv6 HALLONPAJ                                     Microsoft Windows Network local
   hostname = [hallonpaj.local]
   address = [blurred]
   port = [445]
   txt = []
= enp3s0 IPv6 HALLONPAJ                                     _device-info._tcp    local
   hostname = [hallonpaj.local]
   address = [blurred]
   port = [0]
   txt = ["model=MacSamba"]
+ enp3s0 IPv6 Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj                  Internet Printer     local
+ enp3s0 IPv4 Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj                  Internet Printer     local
+ enp3s0 IPv6 Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj                  Secure Internet Printer local
+ enp3s0 IPv4 Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj                  Secure Internet Printer local
= enp3s0 IPv4 HALLONPAJ                                     _device-info._tcp    local
   hostname = [hallonpaj.local]
   address = []
   port = [0]
   txt = ["model=MacSamba"]
= enp3s0 IPv4 HALLONPAJ                                     Microsoft Windows Network local
   hostname = [hallonpaj.local]
   address = []
   port = [445]
   txt = []
+ enp3s0 IPv6 Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj                  UNIX Printer         local
+ enp3s0 IPv4 Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj                  UNIX Printer         local
= enp3s0 IPv6 Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj                  Internet Printer     local
   hostname = [hallonpaj.local]
   address = [blurred]
   port = [631]
   txt = ["printer-type=0x1046" "printer-state=3" "Copies=T" "TLS=1.2" "UUID=5b5ec5ce-346e-3d33-5833-b9b77a10683d" "URF=DM3" "pdl=application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf" "product=(DCP-7055)" "priority=0" "note=hallonpaj" "adminurl=https://hallonpaj.local.:631/printers/Brother-DCP-7055" "ty=Brother DCP-7055, using brlaser v4" "rp=printers/Brother-DCP-7055" "qtotal=1" "txtvers=1"]
= enp3s0 IPv4 Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj                  Internet Printer     local
   hostname = [hallonpaj.local]
   address = []
   port = [631]
   txt = ["printer-type=0x1046" "printer-state=3" "Copies=T" "TLS=1.2" "UUID=5b5ec5ce-346e-3d33-5833-b9b77a10683d" "URF=DM3" "pdl=application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf" "product=(DCP-7055)" "priority=0" "note=hallonpaj" "adminurl=https://hallonpaj.local.:631/printers/Brother-DCP-7055" "ty=Brother DCP-7055, using brlaser v4" "rp=printers/Brother-DCP-7055" "qtotal=1" "txtvers=1"]
= enp3s0 IPv6 Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj                  UNIX Printer         local
   hostname = [hallonpaj.local]
   address = [blurred]
   port = [0]
   txt = []
= enp3s0 IPv6 Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj                  Secure Internet Printer local
   hostname = [hallonpaj.local]
   address = [blurred]
   port = [631]
   txt = ["printer-type=0x1046" "printer-state=3" "Copies=T" "TLS=1.2" "UUID=5b5ec5ce-346e-3d33-5833-b9b77a10683d" "URF=DM3" "pdl=application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf" "product=(DCP-7055)" "priority=0" "note=hallonpaj" "adminurl=https://hallonpaj.local.:631/printers/Brother-DCP-7055" "ty=Brother DCP-7055, using brlaser v4" "rp=printers/Brother-DCP-7055" "qtotal=1" "txtvers=1"]
= enp3s0 IPv4 Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj                  Secure Internet Printer local
   hostname = [hallonpaj.local]
   address = []
   port = [631]
   txt = ["printer-type=0x1046" "printer-state=3" "Copies=T" "TLS=1.2" "UUID=5b5ec5ce-346e-3d33-5833-b9b77a10683d" "URF=DM3" "pdl=application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf" "product=(DCP-7055)" "priority=0" "note=hallonpaj" "adminurl=https://hallonpaj.local.:631/printers/Brother-DCP-7055" "ty=Brother DCP-7055, using brlaser v4" "rp=printers/Brother-DCP-7055" "qtotal=1" "txtvers=1"]
= enp3s0 IPv4 Brother DCP-7055 @ hallonpaj                  UNIX Printer         local
   hostname = [hallonpaj.local]
   address = []
   port = [0]
   txt = []
: Cachen är full
: Alla just nu

ifconfig gives

enp3s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::90a0:823b:b945:7cc6  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether a0:blurred:a0  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 3152486  bytes 217421505 (217.4 MB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 2  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 7047194  bytes 10635176002 (10.6 GB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
        inet  netmask
        inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>
        loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
        RX packets 4495201  bytes 10330087769 (10.3 GB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 4495201  bytes 10330087769 (10.3 GB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

$ route gives

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         _gateway         UG    100    0        0 enp3s0
link-local     U     1000   0        0 enp3s0   U     100    0        0 enp3s0

Here is a bit from /var/log/cups/error_log immediately after I clicked print in Thunderbird.

D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] CUPS-Get-Printers
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] [Client 24] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost.
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] [Client 24] Content-Length: 931
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] [Client 24] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] [Client 24] con->http=0x55f908898140
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] [Client 24] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=931, response=0x55f9088472d0(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] [Client 24] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] [Client 24] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=931
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] [Client 24] Flushing write buffer.
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] [Client 24] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] [Client 24] Waiting for request.
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] [Client 24] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe)
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] [Client 24] Closing connection.
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:25 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
I [03/Oct/2021:21:18:26 +0200] Expiring subscriptions...
I [03/Oct/2021:21:18:55 +0200] Saving subscriptions.conf...
D [03/Oct/2021:21:18:55 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Dirty files"
I [03/Oct/2021:21:18:55 +0200] Expiring subscriptions...

In the printer is listed with same name as in Ubuntu settings. I can print a test page. I can print from ie Libreoffice Calc. But not from Thunderbird The Raspberry Pi 3 that the printer is connected to is Running Rasbian and is up to date.

Organic Marble avatar
us flag
Please add a proper answer instead of putting it in the question and changing the title to solved.

Post an answer

Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.