
hostname: No address associated with hostname

ke flag

Good day! I am using 20.04.3 Ubuntu server on my Raspberry Pi 4,

I am using my Rp4 as Pi-hole w/ unbound as well as a docker, everything went fine except for 1 which is the the title of my post

I did try the following

  1. removing the resolv.conf sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf and then create a new one sudo nano /etc/resovl.conf

    RESULT: nothing happend

  2. I put this in my /etc/host homelab-ubuntu-server localhost

    RESULT: still getting the error

I'm running out of option on what to do with it.

Note: I always do a sudo reboot now every time i change my host and hostnames and I still see myself as a beginner in linux

Additional Info:

my netplan is setup like this:

        addresses: [] 
      optional: true


marosg avatar
vn flag
It is not clear from your post where you get that error.
Ryan Laurenciana avatar
ke flag
the error starts after the installation of Pi-hole, the problem just pops out
ke flag

I have time to troubleshoot again and I found the solution and it's all my mistake

I am editing the wrong file all along!! haha damn, it should be /etc/hosts not /etc/host

after editing the /etc/hosts and restarting the system, the hostname: No address associated with hostname is now gone


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