
i have some circuit issue in my laptop keyboard so I want to disable the F12 key permanently. How can I disable it permanently?

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I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and my pc is Dell Inspiron 15 3000 4GB 1TB. I want to disable F12 key permanently. When I use F12 key from external keyboard it work fine but when I use it from the internal keyboard it start misbehaving.

David avatar
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Sounds like it is not working already.
vanadium avatar
cn flag
Perhaps add what you mean with "misbehaving". Anyway, you probably will need to customize your keyboard layout to disable F12 from doing anything: quite complicated. Alternatively, you may assign a shortcut key to it that does nothing, so when it is triggered (if that is what you understand with "misbehave", it will do nothing.

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