
In Ubuntu 20.04 how do I add custom page size for printer

cn flag

How do I add custom page size to a printer. I do not see an option to set my own page size.

enter image description here

enter image description here

N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Such printer wizard menus may look different in different application. Which application do you use on screenshot? In which application do you want to get custom page size?
cn flag
@N0rbert I have updated the question. This is for HP Deskjet 2700 in that printer options
24601 avatar
in flag
have you installed CUPS? please [edit] your question accordingly. [Installing CUPS](
vanadium avatar
cn flag
Is there no "custom" option at the top of the list you show in your second picture?
cn flag
@vanadium no that was what I looked for at first and did not see any option
vanthome avatar
ps flag
I'm having the same issue on Kubuntu. Any solution yet?

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