
wifi connection problem in Ubuntu 21.04

gr flag

Trying to solve a wifi problem. Wifi cuts out every few minutes. Also seems to pause when working. (Separately, but perhaps related, Ubuntu freezes when using wifi.)

In running "top" I saw that when wifi is connected, there was a kworker process using 100% CPU every few minutes. kworker 6:1. When I turn wifi off, the kworker does not consume much CPU. Also, ethernet connection works fine.

The problem began in Ubuntu 20.04. I am now running the new Ubuntu 21.04 ( on a Dell Inspiron 5515 with 16 gb ram, 5000 AMD processor, and 1 TB. Using Intel wi-fi 6 ax200 network card. Should be good.

Any advice on how to determine what the issue is?

For the record, I have used Mint on older machine with no issue, but I am definitely a Linux/Ubuntu newbie.

lc flag
Check your system firmware is up to date, and if it's not, update it.
gr flag
Liam Proven, thanks. Checked Ubuntu firmware and it was fine. Also went ahead and made some Dell BIOS updates, but the problem is still there.
lc flag
It was the system firmware I meant, not in Ubuntu, but there's no harm. Other troubleshooting steps you can try: test it with a totally different distro booted from USB. Something unrelated like openSUSE or Fedora. Also, see if it works stably in Windows, but that probably means a reinstall. :-(
waltinator avatar
it flag
Look at the logs! `sudo journalctl -b 0 -u NetworkManager`. Read `man journalctl`.

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