
How to remove "Ubuntu Software" list entry having "no packages to remove"?

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I'm running Ubunutu 20.4 LTS and tried to install an application ("FlightGear" - a flight simulator). After a while nothing happened and according to the comments the installation may be broken. So I tried to stop the installation. But now the application ("FlightGear") is listed in "Ubuntu Software" at the "Installed" tab. When clicking "uninstall" an error message pops up: "no packages to remove". I tried to reopen the application "Ubuntu Software", but the broken entry still exists. Regarding to "apt list --installed" there's no flightgear package installed.

Screenshot: Error message in "Ubuntu Software"

How to get rid of it? (Advanced question: Why does the application "Ubuntu Software" doesn't ignore a "no packages to remove" error and just removes the list-entry?)

Nmath avatar
ng flag
Include the commands you are using and the whole output of each command. A narrative description in your own words does not really give us any actionable info.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
For verbose output, please run `sudo apt update` and `sudo apt upgrade` in a terminal. Post the complete output of each command in your question. Use copy/paste and [code fences]( for formatting. Please do not upload screenshots of your terminal
ThunderBird avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

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