
Starship Prompt not working properly on Kubuntu

gh flag

I'm just learning how to work with the terminal, and after watching some videos, I really liked the way the Starship Prompt looks.

Before installing the snap, I installed the powerline and firacode fonts with sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline and sudo apt install fonts-firacode respectively. Then, I installed the snap with sudo snap install starship.

After that, I edited the .bashrc file in my home directory, adding eval "$(starship init bash)" at the end of it. So far so good. When I open the Konsole, it seems like the Starship Prompt is working, but it shows a strange character followed by a 0% that looks hideous.

So, I don't know if I missed any step or if it is a specific problem with Konsole.

Screenshot of Konsole working with Starship Prompt

gh flag

I had to configure Starship Prompt to manually delete the extra symbols.

On the ~/.config directory, I created a starship.toml file with the following configuration:

# Use custom format
format = """
[](bold blue)$directory$rust$package
[❯](bold blue) """

# Wait 10 milliseconds for starship to check files under the current directory.
scan_timeout = 10

# Disable the newline at the start of the prompt
add_newline = false

Screenshot of Konsole


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