
Ethernet connection doesn't connect 20.04.2

in flag

i've recently tried to connect my lenovo thinkpad with ethernet(both PCI entry, and USB ethernet via docking station). At first it did connect, but then i changed my ISP and ever sicne my connections have been flaky, momentarily active, or just nil (the screen shows the cable is unplugged). enter image description here

things i have read about and tried:

  • editing /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and changing the managed=false to managed=true

  • editing /etc/network/interfaces and adding my interfaces with auto enp0s31f6 iface enp0s31f6 inet dhcp

  • editing /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml to be just

      version: 2
      renderer: NetworkManager
  • sudo apt-get upgrade

  • checking the cable

  • sudo service nework-manager restart

  • resetting the router

  • sudo ifconfig enp0s31f6 down && sudo ifconfig enp0s31f6 up

i'd love some more ideas or perhaps clarifications on whati should have done differently in the aforemntioned attempts.

p.s. when i do get momentary connections recognized they are limited to only 10 mbps even though the cable is CAT6 and the docking station i use is capable of up to 1000 mbps. this is also a major downer.

EDIT: i have been foolish and i used a network splitter without reading the actual use case for it. so the problem was i ha a splitter only on one end of the cable, so the connection iwas getting was unstable, and also got wors if two computers tried to use it at once. i am now waiting for a network switch i ordered to arrive, and until then i removed the splitter and the connection is good. thanks to alll those who tried to help!

in flag
While there are many words here, there is very little information. Could you [edit] your question to include: the output of `sudo lspci` (2) the terminal output of `sudo lshw -c network` (3) the model number for your ThinkPad. With this information, it will be more likely that you receive a possible solution to the problem(s) identified
David avatar
cn flag
You are also behind in updates as you have 20.04.2 and 20.04.3 is the most up to date.
heynnema avatar
ru flag
Undo your changes to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and /etc/network/interfaces. Describe your network cabling from the computer ethernet port to the modem/router. Something is limiting your speed. Is the dock connected via USB2/USB3? Check for a firmware update for the dock. 99% of these kinds of issues are due to the dock.

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