I have just upgraded from Xubuntu 18.04 to Xubuntu 20.04.
When trying to use the terminal window (not the full-screen terminal) I only see strange characters.

The terminal window I am talking about is managed by xfce4-terminal version
Under Xubuntu 18.04 my terminal prompt was colored. I guess, the escape sequences to make color output don't work any longer.
What must I do that the terminal window works again as before.
The full screen terminal, e.g. after Ctl+Alt+F1, is not affected. But that was not colored before either.
Although the display of the terminal is unreadable for me, it is operational.
The first comment suggested to enter a command to show its output. But the output is done int the strange way I am complaining about. However, I can divert the output to a file and that is readable (in mousepad). So I issued the command echo "$PS1" | od -bc > t.txt
. The content from the resulting output file is:
0000000 134 133 134 145 135 060 073 134 165 100 134 150 072 040 134 167
\ [ \ e ] 0 ; \ u @ \ h : \ w
0000020 134 141 134 135 044 173 144 145 142 151 141 156 137 143 150 162
\ a \ ] $ { d e b i a n _ c h r
0000040 157 157 164 072 053 050 044 144 145 142 151 141 156 137 143 150
o o t : + ( $ d e b i a n _ c h
0000060 162 157 157 164 051 175 134 133 134 060 063 063 133 060 061 073
r o o t ) } \ [ \ 0 3 3 [ 0 1 ;
0000100 063 062 155 134 135 134 165 100 134 150 134 133 134 060 063 063
3 2 m \ ] \ u @ \ h \ [ \ 0 3 3
0000120 133 060 060 155 134 135 072 134 133 134 060 063 063 133 060 061
[ 0 0 m \ ] : \ [ \ 0 3 3 [ 0 1
0000140 073 063 064 155 134 135 134 167 134 133 134 060 063 063 133 060
; 3 4 m \ ] \ w \ [ \ 0 3 3 [ 0
0000160 060 155 134 135 134 044 040 012
0 m \ ] \ $ \n
(unfortunately I could not use block quote here: it would have garbeled it all such that the correspondence between the lines can not be seen any more).