
Unable to connect to a single WiFi network. Can connect to others

kr flag

currently using Ubuntu and just started today. I would like help on finding out how to make my computer connect to my home WiFi. Tried searching for NetworkManager.conf, but that returned no results. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Will avatar
id flag
If the long answer below doesn’t help, please edit your answer with Ubuntu version, how you’re trying to connect etc. The simplest way - using the gui - is to find the router from wireless settings (via the icon at the top right of the desktop, settings, then find the router in the list - it’s pretty straightforward). It may be that it’s connecting to a public hotspot in preference to your home router for example, but without more details it’s hard to help.
TrueHerobrine avatar
kr flag
Hello, I have tried your answer, but to no avail. I'm using an Intel CPU and checked for anymore drivers using the drivers section of the settings. Looked for answers on the internet as well and still nothing that works. @Will

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