
LVM volumes not mounting after upgrading 16.04 to 18.04

jp flag

Belatedly upgrading Ubuntu from 16.04 to 18.04. /home, /var/log and /tmp are part of an LVM volume group. But these aren't getting mounted and the boot is dropping out to single user. All the LVM components (volume group, physical volumes, logical volumes) appear to be active but there are no devices created in /dev. I noticed during the boot that the devices time out after 1 minute 30.

It's difficult to supply diagnostic information because it's a VMWare VM and the console doesn't support character selection or copying. I've reverted to a pre-upgrade snapshot for the time being because the system is required by others (it's a distribution mirror). But I can retry and try and create screen shots of diagnostic information.

There is a second volume group with one logical volume and this is mounting fine.

Firstbass avatar
jp flag
It looks like the /dev/mapper devices aren't being created, there's not even a directory for the volume group. the /dev/dm-? devices are there. I really don't know where to go with this.

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