
Missing parts on X11 forwarding

mo flag

I use X11 forwarding to a server by ssh -X my_server. All works fine but there is a part on the screen not displayed. The mouse works there.

So it looks like this:

enter image description here

If I connect to another server it looks like this:

enter image description here

So the frame of the treeview is shown but not the content (scrollbar either).

By using ssh -Y its the same problem.

paladin avatar
kr flag
You are not connecting to another server, but another server is connecting to your local host X server. So the problem is your local host X-Server, which misses some elements, which are used by the client. You should read about how X-server works. You might try to make sure that your local host X-server has the same graphic libraries as your client. For Example, if your client uses QT 6.2, make sure your local host X-server has also latest QT 6.2 libraries.

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