
mdraid - changing array name of / array (active)

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Is there any way to change mdraid metadata (v1.2) of an active array?

I have Ubuntu server installed on RAID1 array (/ is the array itself). At the time of installation I had 4 drives - previous Ubuntu RAID1 array and set of new SSDs I assembled to array and was installing onto. Ubuntu installer detected old array and as a result (because host:1 was taken by it) installer named my newly created array host:2. After successful installation and data migration I disconnected old drives. Now there's only current array and all works perfectly except the array name is host:2.

It is really only cosmetic annoyance as I refer to my array by its UUID where needed (scripts). I tried to force array name in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf but if I do so and run update-initramfs and reboot not only name but also device mapping (my /dev/md1 becomes /dev/md127) are ignored - I guess that is because array is assembled by kernel to boot from it before initramfs phase?

Is there any way to update metadata v1.2 without deactivating the array? Reboot to take effect is fine. I am looking for simpler alternative to booting into a live distribution and updating the metadata of inactive array.


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