Hi i often play agario one of my old's laptop was a pentium and it used to run it fine in windows, with temps of 58 degress, 70-90 max, but the game was running fine, here in this laptop (specs behind) i get bad performance and up to 80-90 degress (the performance is not that bad but it feels like something isnt going as smooth as it should), well one of the first thoughts you can have is this is the related to the laptop gpu or so, but in chromeos in this same laptop the same game run fine super smoothly and with the cpu in 44-69 max degrees,running in the proccesor governor powersave without any performance issues, but here in Ubuntu the only way to get almost perfect performance (almost even not perfect) is using the proccesor state performance or using the laptop connected to a charger to activate performance governor although this doesnt seem to be the problem, because that way the computer get super hot and the battery drains faster becasue of it
Ubuntu 21.04, Mesa drivers 21.3.0-devel and OpenGL 4.6
Chrome dev 96.0.4662.6 Ex-chromebook now running
installed Ubuntu with legacy bios Core i7 8665U Whiskey Lake - UHD 620
GT2 16gb of ram so much faster than a pentium
Chrome settings in Ubuntu:
chrome settings
My flags in Ubuntu:
google-chrome-unstable --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers --use-gl=egl --ozone-platform=wayland --video-capture-use-gpu-memory-buffer --enable-logging --log-level=1 --use-cras --enable-wayland-server --enable-features=Pepper3DImageChromium,UmaStorageDimensions,WilcoDtc,ArcAdbSideloading,PluginVm,SmartDim --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder --enable-accelerated-video-decode --disable-gpu-blocklist Fontconfig erroenable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder --enable-accelerated-video-decode --disable-gpu-blocklist
Log Messages
[51066:51066:1010/205259.915934:ERROR:gpu_init.cc(457)] : Passthrough is not supported, GL is egl, ANGLE is
[51066:51066:1010/205259.921293:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(376)] : InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[51066:51066:1010/211133.889947:ERROR:shared_image_manager.cc(214)] : SharedImageManager::ProduceSkia: Trying to Produce a Skia representation from a non-existent mailbox.
Chrome settings in ChromeOS
1 2 As i can see
the difference is chrome0s isnt using Skia Renderer, i think is using OpenGL ES as renderer engine
Chrome in ChromeOs default flags
Command Line /opt/google/chrome/chrome --use-gl=egl --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers --enable-webgl-image-chromium --enable-features=Pepper3DImageChromium,UmaStorageDimensions,WilcoDtc,ArcAdbSideloading,Crostini,CrostiniGpuSupport,PluginVm,SmartDim --gpu-sandbox-failures-fatal=yes --video-capture-use-gpu-memory-buffer --enable-logging --log-level=1 --use-cras --enable-wayland-server --user-data-dir=/home/chronos --device-help-content-id=sarien_signed --system-developer-mode --register-max-dark-suspend-delay --login-profile=user --has-chromeos-keyboard --aura-legacy-power-button --enable-touchview --form-factor=CHROMEBOOK --guest-wallpaper-large=/usr/share/chromeos-assets/wallpaper/guest_large.jpg --guest-wallpaper-small=/usr/share/chromeos-assets/wallpaper/guest_small.jpg --child-wallpaper-large=/usr/share/chromeos-assets/wallpaper/child_large.jpg --child-wallpaper-small=/usr/share/chromeos-assets/wallpaper/child_small.jpg --default-wallpaper-large=/usr/share/chromeos-assets/wallpaper/sarien_large.jpg --default-wallpaper-small=/usr/share/chromeos-assets/wallpaper/sarien_small.jpg --default-wallpaper-is-oem --ozone-nnpalm-properties={} --arc-availability=officially-supported --enable-arcvm --enable-houdini --enable-houdini64 --enterprise-enrollment-initial-modulus=15 --enterprise-enrollment-modulus-limit=19 --enable-crashpad --ondevice_handwriting=use_rootfs --login-manager --first-exec-after-boot --vmodule=*arc/*=1,*night_light*=1,*/ash/wm/tablet_mode/*=1,wizard_controller=1,*/webui/chromeos/login/*=1,*/browser/ash/login/screens/*=1,enrollment_screen_handler=1,*/browser/ash/login/enrollment/*=1,*/ui/ozone/*=1,*/ui/display/manager/chromeos/*=1 --enable-features=Pepper3DImageChromium,UmaStorageDimensions,WilcoDtc,ArcAdbSideloading,Crostini,CrostiniGpuSupport,PluginVm,SmartDim --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end --ui-compositor-memory-limit-when-visible-mb=512
The only browser where i can enable gpu memory buffers and disable skia renderer like in chrome0s default settings and flags is chrome-unstable dev channel but it doesnt work the browser became unusable when i disable skia renderer like in chromeOS like if OpenGL ES is not taking its place, also chromeOs as i can see is using Wayland like Ubuntu 21.04 default
Wayland in theory support's native gpu buffers and also are used in chrome0s where agario works fine
I think the game is not completely accelerated by gpu in Chrome/Ubuntu and thats why changing the proccesor governor improve performance as i think is accelerated by the CPU, any suggestions on why in chromeOs runs fine and in Ubuntu doesnt?
Edit: I enabled print GL calls and all i see are a lot of errors
I think gpu rasterization is not really being used