My system: Ubuntu 20.04; Wine 6.0.1; recently installed PhotoFiltre 6.5.3 via Wine.
I would like to use PhotoFiltre.exe (a Windows application) as the default application to open a .png image file when I double click on it. I created the following PhotoFiltre.desktop file and installed it in /usr/share/applications/
Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/bob/.wine" wine C:\\\\Program\\ Files\\ \\(x86\\)\\\\PhotoFiltre\\\\PhotoFiltre.exe %f
Path=/home/bob/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files (x86)/PhotoFiltre
I do not fully understand this file (I am a simple user, not a computer expert); a similar file was automatically created when I installed PhotoFiltre to provide a desktop shortcut. I just added the %f at the end of the Exec
command line (necessary to be recognized with the Open-With option).
I used "right-click-file>properties>open-with" to change the default application for .png files to PhotoFiltre.exe. When I double-click on a .png file PhotoFiltre now opens and I get the following error message: Unable to load image in file "Test.png"!
Naturally, I would like the file to open with the application.
After the app starts, the file won't load.