
Conky doesn't seem to launch

I'm not sure if this is quite the right place as I'm now running Kubuntu, but I don't know of a forum or stack dedicated to specifically Kubuntu help.

I'm trying to run the GoogleIntegratedSystem theme for Conky, but it doesn't render the actual window. It doesn't crash, either; when I run the start file, the desktop flashes black for an instant and then I get this output:

conky: Syntax error (conkyKeepRc:2: unexpected symbol near '#') while reading config file. 
conky: Assuming it's in old syntax and attempting conversion.
conky: desktop window (1e0000b) is subwindow of root window (240)
conky: window type - override
conky: drawing to created window (0x7800001)
conky: drawing to double buffer
conky: forked to background, pid is 59110

conky: statfs64 '/data': No such file or directory
X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
  Major opcode of failed request:  2 (X_ChangeWindowAttributes)
  Serial number of failed request:  225
  Current serial number in output stream:  226
sh: 2: --nolineart: not found
X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
  Major opcode of failed request:  139 (RENDER)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  4 (RenderCreatePicture)
  Serial number of failed request:  568
  Current serial number in output stream:  572

I've found some indication that this is a problem with Conky 1.10 (which makes sense as the GISC theme is some five years old now) that can be fixed by rolling back to 1.9, but I can't find a repository that still hosts it - the original, apparently, removed it a few years ago and all of the forks throw 404 errors.

This is the conky configuration - should be almost completely the same as when I downloaded the theme, with the exception of the gcalcli command at the bottom, which used outdated syntax.

#Conky Settings
background yes
update_interval 1

cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2

override_utf8_locale yes

double_buffer yes
no_buffers yes

text_buffer_size 2048

#Window Specification
own_window no
own_window_type normal
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_argb_visual yes

border_inner_margin 0
border_outer_margin 0

# Adjust Resolution according to your screen
minimum_size 1920 1080
maximum_width 1920

alignment tr
gap_x 0
gap_y 0

#Graphics Settings #
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders no

#Text settings #
use_xft yes
xftfont monofur dreams:size=8
xftalpha 0.5

uppercase no
temperature_unit celsius

default_color ffffff

#Lua Load #
lua_load ~/.config/GoogleIntegratedSystemConky/lua/scripts/haunted.lua
lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings

## Adjust the values offset as per your requirements
${offset 580}${voffset 0}${color dcdcdc}${font monofur:pixelsize=175}${time %H:%M}${font monofur}${offset -390}${voffset 30}${color dcdcdc}${font monofur:pixelsize=70}${time %a},${time %d} ${color dcdcdc}${font monofur:pixelsize=70}${time  %b}
#${image ~/.conky/rev-eng.png}

${offset 75}${voffset -370}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=11:style=Bold}${exec whoami}@${nodename}
${offset 75}${color ffffff}Linux ${kernel}
${offset 75}${color ffffff}Uptime: ${uptime}

${offset 75}${voffset 100}${font monofur:size=11:style=Bold}root: ${font monofur:size=10}${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}
${offset 75}${voffset}${font monofur:size=11:style=Bold}data: ${font monofur:size=10}${fs_used /data}/${fs_size /data}
${offset 75}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=11:style=Bold}swap: ${font monofur:size=10}${swap}/${swapfree}

${offset 320}${voffset -61}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=11}${color ffffff}IP Address: ${color ffffff}${addr wlp2s0}
${offset 320}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=11}${color ffffff}Down: ${color ffffff}${downspeed wlp2s0}
${offset 320}${color ffffff}Up: ${color ffffff}${upspeed wlp2s0}

       ${offset 75}${voffset 58}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=12}${cpu cpu_avg_samples}%${offset 10}${color dcdcdc}${hwmon 2 temp 1}°C
${offset 80}${voffset 2}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top name 1} ${top cpu 1}
${offset 80}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top name 2} ${top cpu 2}
${offset 80}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top name 3} ${top cpu 3}
${offset 80}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top name 4} ${top cpu 4}
${offset 80}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top name 5} ${top cpu 5}
${offset 80}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top name 6} ${top cpu 6}
${offset 80}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top name 7} ${top cpu 7}
${offset 80}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top name 8} ${top cpu 8}
${offset 80}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top name 9} ${top cpu 9}
${offset 80}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top name 10} ${top cpu 10}

    ${offset 350}${voffset -186}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=12}$mem/$memmax${offset 30}${color dcdcdc}
${offset 350}${voffset 2}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top_mem name 1} ${top_mem mem_res 1}
${offset 350}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top_mem name 2} ${top_mem mem_res 2}
${offset 350}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top_mem name 3} ${top_mem mem_res 3}
${offset 350}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top_mem name 4} ${top_mem mem_res 4}
${offset 350}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top_mem name 5} ${top_mem mem_res 5}
${offset 350}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top_mem name 6} ${top_mem mem_res 6}
${offset 350}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top_mem name 7} ${top_mem mem_res 7}
${offset 350}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top_mem name 8} ${top_mem mem_res 8}
${offset 350}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top_mem name 9} ${top_mem mem_res 9}
${offset 350}${voffset}${color ffffff}${font monofur:size=10}${top_mem name 10} ${top_mem mem_res 10}

${offset 1390}${voffset -29}${font monofur bold:pixelsize=18}Mustafa Özhan ${offset -113}${voffset 18}${color #dcdcdc}${font monofur:pixelsize=16}Arch Linux

${alignc}${offset}${voffset 130}${font monofur:pixelsize=14}${color ffffff}${rss 12 item_title 0}
${alignc}${offset}${voffset 2}${font monofur:pixelsize=14}${color ffffff}${rss 12 item_title 1}${color}${font}
${alignc}${offset}${voffset 2}${font monofur:pixelsize=14}${color ffffff}${rss 12 item_title 2}${color}${font}
${alignc}${offset}${voffset 2}${font monofur:pixelsize=14}${color ffffff}${rss 12 item_title 3}${color}${font}
${alignc}${offset}${voffset 2}${font monofur:pixelsize=14}${color ffffff}${rss 12 item_title 4}${color}${font}
${alignc}${offset}${voffset 2}${font monofur:pixelsize=14}${color ffffff}${rss 12 item_title 5}${color}${font}
${alignc}${offset}${voffset 2}${font monofur:pixelsize=14}${color ffffff}${rss 12 item_title 6}${color}${font}
${alignc}${offset}${voffset 2}${font monofur:pixelsize=14}${color ffffff}${rss 12 item_title 7}${color}${font}
${alignc}${offset}${voffset 2}${font monofur:pixelsize=14}${color ffffff}${rss 12 item_title 8}${color}${font}
${alignc}${offset}${voffset 2}${font monofur:pixelsize=14}${color ffffff}${rss 12 item_title 9}${color}${font}
${alignc}${offset}${voffset 2}${font monofur:pixelsize=14}${color ffffff}${rss 12 item_title 10}${color}${font}

${voffset -267}${font monofur:pixelsize=14}${color ffffff}${execpi 1400 gcalcli agenda  --client-id=[redacted for obvious reasons - gcalcli throws no errors so this part should be fine] --client-secret=[*]
 --nolineart --military --refresh --nocolor "$(date)" }
codlord avatar
ru flag
Your error log states `/data: No such file or directory` but your config is trying to look at that non-existent directory/mount `${fs_used /data}` so you need to amend your config so it's valid for your filesystem/mounts.
A Person Who Dislikes Windows avatar
@codlord thank you for pointing that out, I've edited it. However, the rest of the error message still persists, and there is still no window.
us flag

According to this source and variuos other google results you need to change the parameter --nolineart into --lineart=ascii.

For Linux distributions that have a gcalcli 4.0.0 or newer (not the old 4.0.0a4, 4.0.0a3, etc.), e.g. Ubuntu 19.04, use --lineart=ascii instead of --nolineart in the Conky code above. You can easily find out if your gcalcli version supports --nolineart by running gcalcli --conky --nolineart calm in a terminal - if you get an error saying "unrecognized arguments: --nolineart", then you're using a newer gcalcli version that no longer supports --nolineart, and you'll need to use --lineart=ascii instead (--lineart=unicode works too).

A Person Who Dislikes Windows avatar
My thanks for this, but both of the X errors persist and the window still doesn't show. Is there anything else you can see?

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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.