
meshlab: Fatal IO error: client killed

cn flag

I am using Ubuntu 16.04. I am unable to launch meshlab from MobaXterm while it work fine when I run directly from computer. This is the error message I get:

Current Plugins Dir is: /usr/lib/meshlab/plugins
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::backgroundBotColor : RichColor
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::backgroundTopColor : RichColor
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::baseLightAmbientColor : RichColor
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::baseLightDiffuseColor : RichColor
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::baseLightSpecularColor : RichColor
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::fancyBLightDiffuseColor : RichColor
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::fancyFLightDiffuseColor : RichColor
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::logAreaColor : RichColor
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::pointDistanceAttenuation : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::pointSize : RichFloat
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::pointSmooth : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::textureMagFilter : RichEnum
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Appearance::textureMinFilter : RichEnum
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::AreaHistParam : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::BoxRatio : RichFloat
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::CameraFixedScaleParam : RichFloat
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::CameraRenderScaleType : RichEnum
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::CameraShowCameraDetails : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::FixedHistMaxParam : RichFloat
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::FixedHistMinParam : RichFloat
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::FixedHistWidthParam : RichFloat
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::GridBack : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::GridColorBack : RichColor
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::GridColorFront : RichColor
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::GridMajor : RichFloat
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::GridMinor : RichFloat
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::GridSnap : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::HistBinNumParam : RichInt
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::NormalLength : RichFloat
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::ProjRasterAlpha : RichDynamicFloat
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::ProjRasterLighting : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::ProjRasterOnAllMeshes : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::ProjRasterUseVBO : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::SSAORadius : RichFloat
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::ShadowIntensityVal : RichDynamicFloat
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::ShadowMethod : RichEnum
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::ShowBorderFlag : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::ShowMeshCameras : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::ShowNonRegular : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::ShowRasterCameras : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::ShowSeparatrix : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::ShowShadow : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::TextureFaceColor : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::TextureStyle : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::UseFixedHistParam : RichBool
    Reading Param with name MeshLab::Decoration::VertDotSize : RichDynamicFloat
Shader directory found '/usr/share/meshlab/shaders', and it contains 19 gdp files
Shader directory found '/usr/share/meshlab/shaders/shadersrm', and it contains 5 rfx files
meshlab: Fatal IO error: client killed

Upon searching I figure out from this link that it has some issue with X11 server and I have to apply this patch:

diff -Nur xorg-server- xorg-server-
--- xorg-server-   2009-01-26 19:19:44.000000000 +0100
+++ xorg-server-   2009-01-27 15:31:48.000000000 +0100
@@ -1005,12 +1005,15 @@
        curclient = curoff + (i * (sizeof(fd_mask)*8));
             FD_SET(curclient, &tmask);
-            r = Select (curclient + 1, &tmask, NULL, NULL, &notime);
+            do {
+                r = Select (curclient + 1, &tmask, NULL, NULL, &notime);
+            } while (r < 0 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN));
             if (r < 0)
-      CloseDownClient(clients[ConnectionTranslation[curclient]]);
+                if (ConnectionTranslation[curclient] > 0)
+                    CloseDownClient(clients[ConnectionTranslation[curclient]]);
        mask &= ~((fd_mask)1 << curoff);
-    }   
+    }
     XFD_COPYSET(&AllClients, &savedAllClients);
     for (i = 0; i < XFD_SETCOUNT(&savedAllClients); i++)
@@ -1018,10 +1021,13 @@
    curclient = XFD_FD(&savedAllClients, i);
    FD_SET(curclient, &tmask);
-   r = Select (curclient + 1, &tmask, NULL, NULL, &notime);
-   if (r < 0 && GetConnectionTranslation(curclient) > 0)
-       CloseDownClient(clients[GetConnectionTranslation(curclient)]);
-    }   
+        do {
+            r = Select (curclient + 1, &tmask, NULL, NULL, &notime);
+        } while (r < 0 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN));
+   if (r < 0)
+            if (GetConnectionTranslation(curclient) > 0)
+                CloseDownClient(clients[GetConnectionTranslation(curclient)]);
+    }

But this gives this error:

patch <mesh1.patch
can't find file to patch at input line 4
Perhaps you should have used the -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff -Nur xorg-server- xorg-server-
|--- xorg-server-   2009-01-26 19:19:44.000000000 +0100
|+++ xorg-server-   2009-01-27 15:31:48.000000000 +0100
File to patch: mesh1.patch
patching file mesh1.patch
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1005.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 1018.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file mesh1.patch.rej

I don't exactly get how to do this patch thing? If there is any other way around or If I am not applying patch correctly kindly guide.

guiverc avatar
cn flag
[Ubuntu 16.04 LTS has reached the end of it's *standard* support life]( thus is now off-topic here unless your question is specific to helping you move to a supported release of Ubuntu. Ubuntu 16.04 ESM support is available, but not on-topic here, see See also
Asiya Naqvi avatar
cn flag
@TBr I am using mobaXterm on windows 10 and accessing Ubuntu 16.04. I really don't understand the code inside patch file. If you can guide what kind of input I have to provide to -p or --strip?

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