
Use a VPN only for some specific routes

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I want to use a VPN only for some specific routes (so that the default route is not on the VPN).

So in the Add VPN dialog I selected the "Use this connection only for resources on its network" (this doesn't change the default route) and then I added some subnetworks that I want to route to the VPN.

However, I'm not sure which gateway should I set here, as this is the VPN's gateway address, and it's dynamic (from DHCP).

Add VPN dialog

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did you find any solution?
Wizard79 avatar
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@brauliobo unfortunately not
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finally managed to make it work and added an answer. it is focused on Ubuntu but with some changes it will work
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I'm using FreshTomato here. I managed to only redirect 3 destination IPs to the VPN.

Below is the OpenVPN custom configuration:

script-security 2
up /opt/

Then the script mentioned above:

root@router:/tmp/home/root# cat /opt/ 
ip route add  dev tun11 #
ip route add   dev tun11 #
ip route add dev tun11 #

For Ubuntu you can add custom configuration with the following command:

sudo nmcli connection modify vpnu-br key=value

The /opt mount point was set up following the instructions from


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