
Ubuntu 21.10: Unable to Boot - Unable to mount root FS on unknown-block(0,0)

th flag

I recently updated to Ubuntu 21.10 from 21.04 and after rebooting, I get the following error: Error message

I am able to boot using am older kernel version and from searching, I have running sudo dpkg --configure -a and sudo update-initramfs -u including for the problematic Kernel version but I am still unable to boot using the latest kernel.

Any idea on how I can resolve this?

heynnema avatar
ru flag
What is the exact update-initramfs command that you used? Edit your question and show me `ls -al /boot`.
pasman pasmański avatar
mx flag
Do you tried `sudo update-grub` ?
Omari Celestine avatar
th flag
@pasmanpasmański Yes, I did but it did not work.
Omari Celestine avatar
th flag
@heynnema Thanks but I ended up getting it resolved.
th flag

I ended up resolving the issue by installing the package linux-generic-hwe-20.04 through the command line with the command sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-20.04 in a terminal window.

It seems like there were some problems which occurred during the update and some packages were missing.


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