
How do I monitor my CPU and RAM usage without installing any software?

I want to monitor my CPU and RAM usage without installing any software.

This is just an example, it is not real:

CPU:42% RAM:100%

I am trying to do this on Ubuntu 20.04.3 Doing this to see if any are bottleneck.

Please tell me if I need to provide more info.

FedKad avatar
cn flag
You can use the "contents" of the `stat` and `meminfo` "pseudofiles" under the `/proc` filesystem.
in flag

You can do this with the top command and free in the terminal without installing additional software.

The top command allows you to monitor the most active processes, updating the display at regular intervals.

The free command in terminal displays memory usage in Kb.

see these references:

how to use top

how to use free

man page for top

man page free


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