
How do I shrink screen size during install?

gb flag

The install screens for 20.04 go beyond my monitor. I'm unable to see options or know when to press enter or continue. Help!

Timothy Tapio avatar
gb flag
I have an LG 27" gaming monitor. I'm running a Lenovo Legion gaming machine, Win 10, trying to install Ubuntu onto a second drive but can't see what I'm doing.
hu flag
The installer should window should fit even on a 10" screen, and no, there is no way to shrink it.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Screen size in inches is not relevant. You can select "Try Ubuntu" and go into system settings and verify that the screen is set to the native screen resolution. At that point you should be able to see everything. Also make sure you've physically disconnected any additional displays.
Timothy Tapio avatar
gb flag
Thank you! I'll try that this evening.
karel avatar
sa flag
Does this answer your question? [How set my monitor resolution?](
Timothy Tapio avatar
gb flag
This did not solve the issue. I did the "try Ubuntu" and got to display is set at 4:3 and will not change. I'm stuck at the "boot manager" screen. I can't see below that line and nothing I do will get me any further. Frustrated at this point. I don't think I have another monitor that is hdmi.
Timothy Tapio avatar
gb flag
I did happen to have the monitor that this bigger one replaced with an HDMI interface. I got a better response from the computer but, bottom line, I again hit a snag. .apparently my video card is not compatible. It is s GEFORCE RTX 3060 in case anyone is thinking of obtaining one. Thanks for the comments!!

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