
how to show desktop icons in 21.10 desktop?

cn flag

how can I show all icons in my desktop. after upgrading to 21.10 all icons in desktop is disappeared. even Tweaks can't help at that.

your help is appreciated

thank you

Nmath avatar
ng flag
Can you edit your question and include more details about what you mean? I cannot reproduce this problem on a live session of Ubuntu Desktop 21.10 (GNOME). The contents of `~/Desktop` are shown as icons on the desktop.
eeesa avatar
cn flag
I mean, before the update, my desktop has more than 20 folders. after updating to kernel 21.10 all folders in desktop disappeared. maybe that related to gnome or something else. however, how can I make all my folders appear again in desktop?
eeesa avatar
cn flag
I use gnome 40.4 and kernel 5.13 and window system wayland
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Are those folders still located under `~/Desktop`?
eeesa avatar
cn flag
I click on files icon in Dock, then go to desktop, I can see them all
ng flag
I am having the same problem with 21.10 and nemo as default explorer instead of nautilus. No Desktop Icons and no way to fix it.
Someone avatar
my flag
Does this answer your question? [My desktop icons disappeared when I upgraded to Ubuntu 21.10](
eeesa avatar
cn flag
unfortunately didn't work
cn flag

What worked for me was copy /usr/share/applications/nemo-autostart.desktop towards ~/.config/autostart/nemo-autostart.desktop and in that file remove the line OnlyShowIn=X-Cinnamon

So one need some way to copy. This can be in Linux using the terminal program cp: Open up a terminal program.

Copy/Type in: cp /usr/share/applications/nemo-autostart.desktop ~/.config/autostart/nemo-autostart.desktop This copies the nemo-autostart desktop file towards your personal autostart files. This is because ~ in the shell is by many shells replaced to your personal home directory. This is generally something like /home/yourname. Then you can open the file with an editor. You can open an editor by clicking the icon, and selecting the path, or typing in the name of the editor may work as well. For example gedit ~/.config/autostart/nemo-autostart.desktop will open the file in gedit. mousepad, etc works generally the same. Now .desktop files are just text files that represent an application for the end user. Every line specifies something about the application. Remove the line containing OnlyShowIn=X-Cinnamon. Then save the file. Log out. Log in and enjoy the desktop icons working.

You may need to do this action for every user.

Maybe one can even just edit the /usr/share/applications/nemo-autostart.desktop file itself (this requires administrator privileges). Tell me if this works. An update may break desktop icons then, however.

eeesa avatar
cn flag
could you explain how to do that? please. as I'm very beginner
hiddenhospitalresearch avatar
cn flag
Okay I will, I had trouble with this problem myself, so you just need some way to copy and some way to edit
hiddenhospitalresearch avatar
cn flag
Honestly I found this post when searching for a solution

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