
Restoring a backup from win32diskimager of ubuntu 20.04 on Raspberry, get some errors

us flag

I tried to restore a backup from Ubuntu20.04 with win32diskimager ( at the same SD) and works weel. The problem is when I need to update, like "sudo apt-get...".Thats return a problem with status (1). or dpkg unrecoverable fatal error

Another problem, is when I try to import Tensorflow ( whick was installed at the backup). I start python, y when i need to import tensorflow, it says "dumped"

Why a restore of a backup works, but has this problems? I am doing something wrong?

sudodus avatar
jp flag
What are the exact sizes of the SD card and the Ubuntu image file. The card must not be one single byte smaller so it is not enough to look at the nominal size. Check the card size with `lsblk -bd -o name,size,model` and the file size with `ls -l filename`.

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