
How to mount --bind an unmounted folder on startup?

th flag

I am dual booting Ubuntu 20.04 with Windows 10 pro. I have a bunch of folders that I share with Ubuntu on another drive, I'll just call it driveA. I have configured the driveA to mount on auto startup via the GUI. So I want to add this sudo mount --bind /mnt/driveA/"Share Music" /home/username to /etc/fstab by following this link. Both answers don't work for me.

Here's the line I added to /etc/fstab

/dev/disk/by-uuid/driveA/Share\ Pictures /home/username/Pictures none defaults,bind 0 0

/dev/disk/by-uuid/driveA/Share\ Music/ /home/username/Music none defaults,bind 0 0

/mnt/driveA/"Share Documents/" /home/username/Documents none defaults,bind 0 0

As you can see, I have tried both /dev/disk and /mnt/ but none of them works.

bac0n avatar
cn flag
Space and tabs should be escaped with ```\040``` and ```\011``` respectively.
th flag
Ah it works now, thank you
bac0n avatar
cn flag
Related: [How to mount partition with spaces in path](

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