
Video can only play at 480p

in flag

I just installed Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS on my computer. It is said to be better than Windows 8.1. I had Windows 8.1 on this same computer. I could play up to 4k video. But after installing Ubuntu, one bar on my WiFi icon has gone down. On Windows 8.1 it was always full. Now I can only play videos in 480p. Can anyone help me fix this? Its not my internet problem. I get like 90 mbps.

Here are the specs of the computer: [1]:

Thanks in advance.

Also don't hesitate to to ask for more info.

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Hardware specifications should have been provided from the start.
br flag
you need to give a bit more information,is this a result of wifi speed or something else,can you play your videos from a locally stored videofile at full resolution.
My WiFi speed is like 92 Mbps. Yes I can play local videos at 4k. It is not a driver issue.

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