
How do I make a directory in Linux without it being made in other users on the server?

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I recently ssh into my company's airflow server, so there are multiple users on this server. Whenever I make a new directory say it makes the directory in all of the other users as well. How can I set it up where I am only making a directory in one user, not all users on the server?

Additionally it says that I have specific versions of certain packages like Python 2.7.5 but I also have Python 3 installed?

I'm trying to better understand the linux system and having multiples users on a Linux server, so an explanation as to why and what is happening would be great!

waltinator avatar
it flag
If, as it seems, all the users have the same home directory, you cannot. What's the OS on the "airflow server"? Can you `getent passwd user1`? Is every user using the same `ssh` command? Like `ssh root@airflow`?
Ana Ho avatar
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It’s on a Linux OS. Each user has their own id like aho@(ip address of server)
us flag

If you have a shared space, then the directory will be visible to other users.

But you can give users read, write, and executable access exclusively using chmod. Which will essentially not let them read the contents of the files.

I suggest you read this, it will give you an idea of how permissions work in Linux. Click Me.


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