
My cursor theme not working inside Firefox in 21.10

us flag

I have my own cursor theme which works almost everywhere else inside 21.10. But inside Firefox, I see that the cursor falls back to default. Is there any method to make sure that the cursor remains the same inside Firefox as well ?


heynnema avatar
ru flag
Try installing the .deb version of Firefox, and `sudo snap remove firefox` to remove the snap version.
user227495 avatar
us flag
thanks. But there is no .deb file available on Mozilla site
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Does this answer your question? [21.10 Firefox Missing Profiles](
heynnema avatar
ru flag
The .deb version is available in the Ubuntu Software store.
user227495 avatar
us flag
@N0rbert how are these questions similar ? I do not get any error at all. Everything works fine for me, except the cursor theme.
de flag

This issue is even more apparent in HiDPI where the mouse cursor is tiny.

Starting from Ubuntu 21.10, Firefox is installed from snap by default (as opposed to from .deb in previous versions of Ubuntu). Upgrading Ubuntu from 21.04 to 21.10 will also seamlessly change the installed Firefox to use the snap version.

Some snap applications work well (with mouse theming and resolution scaling), while others need to be fixed by the developers to update their apps to take advantage of theming.

At the moment, both versions of Firefox are available through Ubuntu Software. If you want, you can remove the snap version and install the .deb version, as a temporary workaround (or continue using Firefox's snap version which will eventually get fixed).
enter image description here

Alternatively, use the command line (perhaps back-up your Firefox profile first):

sudo snap remove firefox
sudo apt install firefox

Also, try temporarily switching to the Yaru cursor theme using the GNOME Tweaks app and see if it helps, as a possible workaround for now.

user227495 avatar
us flag
I added the .deb version from the Ubuntu store and the custom cursor theme works fine as before. Thanks.
Clayton Ramsey avatar
pk flag
As Firefox is now only available on snap, this fix no longer works.
AlMo320 avatar
cn flag
Changing the cursors back to Yaru solved it for me in Ubuntu 22.04 (snappy fox). Changing them back to nordzy created the see-saw mentioned, cursor changes back to Yaru (gnat-sized) when in Firefox. Mozilla snap devs will probably fix this one day!?

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