
How come both ubuntu server 18.04 lts and 20.04 lts install crashed?

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The deployment of ubuntu server 20.04 lts failed (idem for 18.04). It seems there is a bug in the installer. had to use ubuntu server 21.10 to get my server up and running. server config : 48G ram, 2 HDD 135Go using RAID 1, 2 CPUs. don't have the crash report though. Maybe the installer has been upgraded in 21.10 but not in 20.04 ?

regards, km

user535733 avatar
cn flag
"*It seems there is a bug in the installer*" is, unfortunately, much too vague to work with. I have watched both the 18.04 Desktop and 20.04 Desktop installers work properly with a wide range of hardware. Please report bugs that can be reproduced in a testing environment to the Ubuntu Bug Tracker.
waltinator avatar
it flag
There's not ONE useful detail! The deployment method? Its logs? Its configuration? What does "failed" expand into? Computers and software is too complex for you to really use "idem" (the same) for Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 installation failures, unless you stand way, way back.

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