
Laptop backlight disabled (extreme dark) after nvidia driver installation

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After installation of nvidia-470 driver on my clean ubuntu 18.04 installation i had the problem, that my built-in screen was only showing:

/dev/nvme0n1p2: clean, 157519/31227904 files, 4523955/124895488 locks

Also there was only one screen detected under setting-gui --> devices. I managed to fix this by changing the 10-nvidia-prime.conf and adding following lines:

Option "AllowEmptyInitialConfiguration"
Option "IgnoreDisplayDevices" "CRT"
Option "PrimaryGPU" "Yes"

and setting the Graphics-device in the bios to discrete Graphics.

Now, all monitors are detected correctly but my built-in monitor backlight is disabled. Only external monitors works without any problem but the built-in monitor is extremely dark and you can barely see some windows. This accours when connecting external monitor via HDMI and also Thunderbolt dock. I would be very happy if someone could help me with this.

My system:

  • Lenovo T15g Gen2
  • Intel Core i7-11800H
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
  • Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
  • Kernel-version 5.4.0-84
  • nvidia-driver 470


In the meantime I experienced a weird behavior. I randomly closed the Laptop-screen and unplugged/plugged the external monitors HDMI-cable and suddenly both screens went bright and everything was fine. This led me to the idea that it could have something to do with the laptop-lid. So I found this post and experienced, when I restart systemd-logind.service with

systemctl restart systemd-logind.service

suddenly I'm back in login screen and both screens are working perfectly. Unfortunately after a reboot everything is like before and I need to restart systemd-logind.service again to work. It also has nothing to do with the HandleLidSwitch=ignore statement because it also works without this line.

Any ideas?

emk2203 avatar
in flag
Any reason why you run the latest hardware with an almost 4-year old system? I would at least try a live USB with the latest Ubuntu to see if the hardware gets complete support with recent kernels. Amazing that Nvidia 370 works with this kernel. Could have kept the AX210 as well...
Maddin avatar
ca flag
I use Ubuntu 18.04 because I'm running ROS (Robot-Operating-System) with packages which are only compatible with Ubuntu 18.04. I tried a Live Ubuntu 20.04 but I think it doesnt work properly because I was not able to install Nvidia drivers.

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