
How can I make audio applications use 44.1kHz as the default sample rate, Ubuntu 21.10?

gb flag

Its all change now with pipewire.

I have a USB-attached DAC which shows the current sample rate (but not the bit depth) and I'm currently using Kodi - but it is choosing to access the DAC at 48kHz so it must be resampling my CDs - I want to stop it doing that.

Ideally I'd be happy to access at 32le depth and 44.1kHz.

es flag
Do you use Pulseaudio? Are you sure the DAC supports 44.1kHz?
jmansion avatar
gb flag
No pulseaudio is not installed. I have now disabled pipewire and added a plug in .asoundrc that forces 32LE at 44100. The computer is a dedicated music player. It seems to be behaving now.

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