
Ubuntu 20.04 fsck.ext4: Unable to resolve 'LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs'

cn flag

When I reset my pc after an update for windows, my ubuntu terminal can no longer look at data within my c and d hard drives of the mnt file. When I use ls it produces.

ls: cannot access 'd': Input/output error
ls: cannot access 'c': Input/output error

I attempted to resolve it with the fsck command and the results produced:

:/mnt$sudo fsck
fsck from util-linux 2.34
fsck.ext4: Unable to resolve 'LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs'

Still googling but if anyone who's dealt with this before could help I would appreciate it.

cn flag
fsck on a windows partition... how does that make sense? Your problem is on the Windows end. So your fix will be on the Windows end too. Probably something like check disk is needed. Or it is hibernated.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
This^^^ Remember to disable the Fast Startup feature **in Windows**. Even if previously disabled some feature updates tend to re-enable it. Having it disabled is a MUST when dual-booting. And if you don't want to risk an unbootable Windows **never access its system drive (C:\) from outside Windows**.
William Martens avatar
cn flag
@Rinzwind not so easy to know :)
William Martens avatar
cn flag
@Brian Moore can you also please provide some logs? before and after what happens with that problem

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