
ubuntu studio 20.04 shows network connection but all apps show no internet connection

ca flag

After installing a security update, my machine connects to the internet, but every app I run tells me I'm not connected. If I click the network icon and choose "connection information" I get the usual information, plus a tab labeled "pvpn-ipv6leak-protection" that I never saw before. This is the same via wifi or ethernet. When I click on the new tab, it lists my interface as "ivp6leakintrf0", shows a hardware address, shows the driver as "dummy" and speed as "unknown"

Pinging a website results in "Temporary failure in name resolution"

I did connect to Proton VPN once and it seemed to work fine. I didn't try to add it to either my wifi or ethernet connection profile.

Linux Geek avatar
cn flag
Are you using some kind of vpn?
Gary Schepers avatar
ca flag
No.. I did connect to Proton VPN once and it seemed to work fine. I didn't try to add it to either my wifi or ethernet connection profile
Linux Geek avatar
cn flag
what output is shown for `ping` or any other website?
Gary Schepers avatar
ca flag
Temporary failurre in name resolution
Greenonline avatar
us flag
Please add any additional nfo to your question and not in the comments
do flag

Its fairly likely your VPN added a default route which hasnt gone away, or added a new DNS server for you. It would help to add the output of these to your question:

ip route show


systemd-resolve status

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