
Chrome keyboard shortcuts while playing local videos?

br flag

Google Chrome can play local videos (which is useful, because it's safer than regular video players due to the sandboxing it uses).

However, it doesn't have any keyboard bindings except space for "pause". Is there any way to configure skip-forward and skip-back keys without installing some extension published by an unfamiliar third party)?

cn flag

There indeed are no other keyboard bindings than the Space you discovered, and there seems no user exposed way to add different bindings without resorting to browser extensions.

Obviously, there are many video players dedicated to play local content that do have a range of shortcut keys, that eventually can be customized. If you are concerned about security while playing a local file, then you can install such video player as a snap package: applications installed as a snap are also sandboxed. Alternatively, there is a tool firejail that allows running applications in a confined environment ("sandbox").

MWB avatar
br flag
Everyone constantly complains about `snapd` being forced on them by Ubuntu 20.04, it never even occurred to me it could be useful :-)
vanadium avatar
cn flag
Indeed, the linux community can be quite conservative. Flatpak is another possibility, but snap is default on Ubuntu

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