
How invoke print dialog from command line?

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I'm using xfce4 on Ubuntu. Blasted if I can't see what command will send a file to the printer via a print dialog. Please help.

guiverc avatar
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`lp` is the command to print
markling avatar
cn flag
Thanks. Like the question says, I want to send a file from the command line to the printer, via the print dialog. lp, afaik, sends direct. Yes, you can give settings *on the command line* with lp. I want to give them *in a gui dialog*. (rtfq).
in flag

You can use gpr:

gpr is a graphical interface to lpr that provides for easy configuration of printer-specific options.


sudo apt install gpr


gpr file.pdf
pLumo avatar
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Actually, that looks quite dated....

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