
How to login into VM from host which is a remote server?

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My host machine is a remote server on which I created a VM using qemu. I created the VM using the following command:

./qemu-system-x86_64 -hda /home/divija/images/xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img -cdrom /home/divija/images/ubuntu-16.04.6-server-i386.iso -m 8G -boot d -smp 4 -monitor stdio -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 -net nic

I see the result:

QEMU 2.9.91 monitor - type 'help' for more information
(qemu) VNC server running on

Then, on a different terminal I try to login into the VM from the host via ssh

ssh -p 5900 divija@localhost

But I get the error message:

 ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
  1. Should I login using port 2222 or 5900? Why is it being created on 5900 when I explicitly gave 2222?
  2. Is there a way to login to the VM without port forwarding?
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Please don't ask multiple questions at once. Instead, ask multiple separate questions. You can link to different question if it helps to provide context, but please ask each question separately.
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i'm not sure about question 1 since i have never used qemu but i think you might be trying to ssh into a vnc server (your output on the vm says: VNC server running on and i might be wrong again but i dont think you can ssh into a vnc server. you can use Putty to connect to vnc servers.

for question 2 i suggest you use ngrok to forward port 5900, so for example running this on the vm: ngrok tcp 5900 would allow you to access that port from beyond your local network.


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