
Why has my bug report on Launchpad not been addressed?

bw flag

Several months ago I reported this bug:

(Also documented here on Ask Ubuntu).

I noticed many other bug reports were of a similar nature - software configuration bugs in hardware interfaces. So I marked them as duplicates, and my post got heaps of heat! But there has been zero action for months. Can anybody explain why? Is Launchpad short of staffing/bug fixers? Is it monitored by Canonical? (I wish I had the skills to contribute, but alas I am totally amateur).

guiverc avatar
cn flag
Lack of resources mostly. Why are you asking here? This is a user support site, and all we can express here are *opinions*, but subjective answers are off-topic, as are questions asking for opinions. Please see The 5.8 kernel is EOL currently anyway; to get best responses/fixes you need to detect & report the bug before it's reached *stable* or is actually released.. fixes after release (SRU) take longer. If valid; it usually requires fix upstream too (thus needs to be re-reported upstream so they fix it into the future...)
Owen avatar
bw flag
@guiverc My question was not intended to attract *opinions*, but to gain understanding of how to progress a bug report on launchpad - or else to understand why this avenue has not born any fruit. How is this subjective and off-topic? Objective answers do not have to be narrowly-defined. On the other hand, it would simply be useful for me and others to be told why bugs filed on Launchpad fail to be acted upon. I humbly request for this topic to be re-opened.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You've already got an answer from @user535733, and I've provided my own 2c. Where I want something worked on; I verify it's an issue with another install (clean install to ensure it's not some config I've created; a VM can be used here) then report on launchpad on whatever release I discovered it. I then test on the current *development* release (ie. has it already been fixed; currently that's *jammy*) then report that on launchpad. I then usually test in another system (eg. Debian *bookworm*, openSuSE tumbleweed etc) and if it's present there; I know it's not Ubuntu specific & go upstream
guiverc avatar
cn flag
To me, your question is better suited for a forum (eg. rather than this Q&A format; but I'm only one opinion.
cn flag

Launchpad is not "monitored" by Canonical in the sense you are likely thinking.

Ubuntu is a compendium of thousands of upstream projects, including the Linux kernel. Each of those upstreams has their own bug-reporting platform. Launchpad is merely a starting point. The Launchpad bug is not the end for you; it's the beginning.

Yes, Launchpad is short of VOLUNTEERS to triage bugs. New volunteers are welcome, the Bug Squad will train.

The specific bug you reference is for an older kernel, and it clearly has not been triaged.

Advice: Start with the Bug Squad Wiki on how to triage the bug. YOU can triage your own bug and move it forward. It does not take a degree in IT. It merely takes a bit of patience and a willingness to learn.

Generally, developers look at triaged bugs first. And, honestly, that's how they should be spending their limited time in order to help the most people.


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