
How to integrate MCP2515 on Raspberry Pi3b+ (Ubuntu 20.04)

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for some time I've been trying to use the Hat RS485 Can based on the MCP2515 chip. Unfortunately, regardless of my attempts, I can only read the frames or send them.

I have loaded kernel modules responsible for can bus communication, userconfig has been modified by adding dtoverlay = mcp2515-can0, oscillator = 12000000, interrupt = 25, spimaxfrequency = 2000000. After setting the parameters ip link set can0 type can bitrate 10000 and ip link set can0 up candump any does not return data present on the bus. However, I can transmit. After adding the listen-only on parameter, of course, I cannot transmit, but the data on the bus is available. Has anyone encountered a similar problem?


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