
Problem with printing via IPP

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I am a serious newbie to Ubuntu (and Linux in general). I have a printer, whose connection is: dnssd://Brother%20QL-570-12c1bb._printer._tcp.local/ But the web application I am using (PHP), requires an IPP address... Don't know where to start..! Any help gratefully appreciated...!

regards, Dave.

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please read [ask] then [edit] your question accordingly. What is an IPP address?
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For my Brother printer, the easiest way to find its IP address was through the printer itself (ie pressing buttons on the machine rather than going through the computer) … it will depend on your model, but on mine I had to press ‘menu’ then choose ‘network’ then ‘TCP/IP’ then ‘IP address’ and it shows you directly on the printer’s LCD display.

I did try the methods in this link:

but most of them are designed for windows and in fact didn’t work for me when I used my old windows laptop - but you might have success there.


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