
When I installed Wsl unbuntu Installed and Crashed

de flag

When I installed Wsl and restarted, Ubuntu was installing but it stucked mid half, then my pc got stuck I waited and forced an restart, all good so far but since then my pc gets blue screen's and gets regularly stuck.

So I need some help to fix that.

I already reinstalled Windows, cleaned the storage and checked for malware... any tips ??

user535733 avatar
cn flag
WSL is a proprietary Microsoft product. A problem with WSL should be a bug report to Microsoft. A problem with the Ubuntu Installer is indeed within our lane...but a freeze that kills your whole Windows PC and then produces BSODs suggests that it's not the Ubuntu Installer, which cannot escape WSL.
NotTheDr01ds avatar
vn flag
I usually try to help with any and all WSL issues here that relate to Ubuntu, but I have to agree that you'll find better experts on potentially fixing your Windows issues over on our sister-site [Super User](

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