
why does my hp laptop start automatically after shutting it down?

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I am a new Ubuntu user. I have been using another distribution, but today I have decided to switch to Ubuntu. after installing, I powered my computer off. later, I installed the updates and I ran upgrading. Once I finished upgrading and updating processes, I powered off my computer. but it suddenly auto-powered itself, in the first glance I thought its me who hit the restart button. I powered it off again, and it powered itself on again automatically. Is there any solution for this issue?

I am uisng HP Probook 640

Thank you in Advance.

haron88 avatar
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I was using linux mint cinnamon, and I had no issues with it, I am running Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS now. I found these in syslogs : gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
haron88 avatar
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by the by, before updating and upgrading, it worked fine. the auto-power on issue emerged only after upgrading and updating
waltinator avatar
it flag
Just after it cones up, `sudo journalctl --since="-15 minutes"` will show the logs. Do you have swap? `free` will show. Read `man pm-is-supported`. (In this area of Ubuntu, "pm" stands for "Power Management").
haron88 avatar
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@waltinator I do not have any swap.I do not have any problems with power. the issue that I have now is that Power-off button works similarly as Restart button. and the only way to stop my computer now from powering-on itself automatically is to remove the battery. I had not had this issue while running under Linux mint which I had been using for two years.
us flag
Do you have any external devices connected to your laptop (mouse, keyboard, etc.)?
haron88 avatar
ve flag
@PJ Singh Hi Bro, I do not have anything plugged in. It is quite the opposite each time I want to power off my computer I have to plug in a USB to prevent my machine to power on itself automatically. In other words, if no usb key is plugged in while powering my laptop off, it auto-powers itself.

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